Lucio was born in Rimini in 1977. He studied arts in Pesaro and Urbino. He gets passionate about graffiti writing and muralism. He has worked for over a decade as graphic designer, while progressively feeling the need to a return to “things made by hands”. This shift brought him over the last years to work as artist, illustrator and graphic facilitator.

Art, medieval times, old castles, bikes, pizza (so much of it), explosions, internet memes.

Lucio Bolognesi

Graphic Facilitator

Born in 1994 in Castel San Pietro Terme, Cecilia grows up in Bologna, after graduating from scientific high school she knows for sure that math is not for her. She changed her path and studies Industrial Product Design, driven by the continuous desire to create she grow her passion for graphics and digital illustration. Since then she has dedicated herself to this world, gaining some experience but never stopping experimenting.

digging up treasures at flea markets, collecting and filling the walls with posters, camping in the nature.

Cecilia Carletti

Designer / Illustrator

Born in Bruxelles in 1975 Alfredo grew up in Rome, graduated in Bologna and works – since always – around the world. Founder of Housatonic and partner of Matter Group, he works since 20 years as a designer and graphic facilitator helping organizations to better communicate, collaborate and work, in order to have an impact on the world we live in.

Listening to any kind of music, drawing, travelling and discover places and people.

Alfredo Carlo

Designer / Graphic Facilitator

Born in Bologna in 1984, Chiara studied Oriental History and Photography. She works with advertising and communication. Being a process facilitator means to her to listen, understand and connect people.

She enjoys the smell of fresh air on her skin, discovering new places and breaking borders.

Chiara Cremonini

Process Facilitator

Born in Rome in 1962, just a few days before the Beatles recorded their first single, “Love Me Do.” She studied Visual Communication in Milan and worked as an art director in advertising in Italy and Germany until she discovered graphic facilitation more than twenty years ago. Since then, Lucia has been using her listening and graphic representation skills to help companies and organizations in their change processes, often collaborating with colleagues around the world.

She loves reading, cooking, colors, the sea, learning new things, and doing meaningful things.


Lucia Fabiani

Graphic Facilitator

Born in Pavullo nel Frignano in 1994, Giulia grew up ruining tons of books by drawing on them. She studied Comics and illustration in Bologna, specializing in Editorial illustration. Thanks to a series of coincidences she has discovered a lot of beautiful and exciting things (and people)!

Horror movies, singing in the car, talking to people, laughing and big breakfasts.


Giulia Ferrari

Graphic Facilitator / Illustrator

Born in 1982 near Milano, he graduates in Management Engineering and attends Milano Comics School. He has worked as video editor, assistant director, post production guy. Recently, he is still working on illustration and direction of events, for which he made graphics, videos and presentations. He meets and fall in love with graphic facilitation thanks to Alfredo.

He loves all the animals, nature, cartoons and “…Kung Fuuuuu!”

Claudio Francescato

Graphic Facilitator

Veronica was born in Macerata in 1988. She studied Industrial Design at the University of Studies of San Marino and, afterwards she specialized in Communication Design and Publishing at ISIA Urbino. Graphic designer, illustrator and holds a passion for photography.

Traveling in un-conventional ways, simple and clean shapes, books and her cats.

Veronica Maccari

Designer / Illustrator

Stefano was born in Pordenone in 1989. He grew up in Friuli and then moved to Venice to study graphic design; in 2012 he moved to Urbino to take a degree in Photography for Cultural Heritage. Since 2015 he lives in Bologna and works as a photographer, mainly for art galleries, design studios and artists.

Moby Dick, Sherlock Holmes, Duane Michals and Stephen Shore’s works, the white, Corse, Oasis.

Stefano Maniero


Raffaele was born in Fano, Italy in 1981.
He’s a freelance video designer and photographer, working for clients and agencies around the world. His main focus are corporate videos and food photography. He teaches Digital Video at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, Italy.

Cats, pistachios, flying, good design, good music.

Raffaele Mariotti

Photographer / Video Designer

Born in 1986 in Tuscany, Marco graduated in Communications at Siena’s. Collecting a string of rather silly jobs, he went from tourist animation to animation software. With his non-traditional, self-taught background, he hopes to bring a different perspective to motion design.

He’s addicted to lists, movies and learning new things. He loves surreal humor and brewing his own beer at home.

Marco Marzoli

Motion / Interaction Designer

Paolo was born in 1980 in Chiaravalle, Ancona. After a diploma in comics at Scuola Comics Jesi, he went to Bologna to study advertising and graphic design. During the week he is graphic designer, illustrator, musician and teacher.

He loves art, Rock and laziness.

Paolo Masiero

Graphic Facilitator

Andrea was born on 1986 in Macerata. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, where he specialized in web design, video design and in motion graphics which is his current main occupation. He enjoys moving things but most of all being moved by them.

Listening, observing constant mutation, discovering roots and getting inspired by that.

Andrea Monachesi

Animator / Motion Designer

Cecilia was born in Trento, but she didn’t stay there for long. She started with a degree in Communication Design, and then decided to specialize in Editorial Design at ISIA in Urbino.

A dedicated insect breeder, she spends most of her money on books.

Cecilia Negri

Designer / Illustrator

Marcello is born in 1976 in Magna Grecia, studied art and science on the Etruscan coast and graduated in Literature&Philosophy/Visual Art at the Bologna University. He has a ten years experience in the designing, elaborating and producing static and moving images, in close contact with the web languages.

Philosophy, myths, music, painting, narrative, graphic design and visual culture.

Marcello Petruzzi

Designer / Graphic Facilitator

Andrea was born and raised in Bologna, where he attended the Language High School and received a Communication degree from the Faculty of Letters. Most of the time Andrea deals with numbers and finance. He would like to do other things if he can only stop time.

He loves traveling, sports, the wild landscapes, and marshmallows.

Andrea Sacco

Finance Manager

Beatrice was born in 1989 in Castel San Pietro Terme but soon relocated in Faenza, where she grew up consuming large quantities of paper and markers. She studied graphic design and communication at ISIA Urbino, where she also specialized in Publishing Design.

In her spare time she likes to research the most bizarre subjects, cook and try new foods in company, knit and draw.

Beatrice Schena

Designer / Illustrator

Gianluca, born in 1988 in Genova, is an illustrator and designer. He graduated with a degree in Graphic Design and attended various courses in visual communication. His work has been exhibited widely.

He takes inspiration from nature, music and zen meditation and loves magazines, illustrated books, art exhibitions and traveling.

Gianluca Sturmann

Designer / Illustrator

Born under the lovely shadow of Bologna’s hills in 1991, Elena serendipitously stumbled upon the world of graphic facilitation after a degree in Business and Economics at the University of Bologna. She currently works as a content and project manager at Housatonic.

Graphic novels, cold weather, detective stories, wind, stripes and light wood.

Elena Vasumini

Project & Content Manager

Lara, born in 1985 and grown up in Molise, moved to Bologna where she graduated in Arts, Music and Cinema at Bologna University. She enters magically into the graphic facilitation world as the Project Manager at Housatonic.

She loves music, traveling, strawberries and pois.

Lara Zentena

Office & Project Manager